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The Urban Gypsy Unveiled ✨💜

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of shooting with my favorite photographer, Cocoa David. But this shoot was way different than any other one I've done. I'm usually in photoshoots for fashion creatives but this time it was another type of experience; it required me to be topless and painted. Being 21 made me feel like I didn't have to ask for anyone's approval or anything so I just went for it; it just made me feel so liberated and free! While I did have my reservations at first, I had to learn to let go and just go with it.

Actually, I asked Cocoa to do this shoot. I saw her do a couple with a few other students and I just HAD to do it. It looked so fun and artistic, it was practically calling my name. We chatted about it for a while and the following week I was in the photography studio getting painted. She asked what I would like to represent in this shoot and we combined our creative ideas and came up with flowers because I'm a huge admirer, she painted a few lines on my arms and back then we did "Urban Gypsy" across my stomach as an ode to Tupac and his "Thug Life" tattoo.

She refers to it as the "Pigment Series" and she is open to shooting anyone who is interested and is in the Charleston area. If you're feeling stifled creatively, or you're just ready to do something out of your comfort zone, I highly recommend doing it. It's such a refreshing feeling. I understand that it takes a lot of courage to do something like this but I promise you, you will be in love with your results! Cocoa is such a professional, it's just you, her, and the camera during the shoot unless you invite others to come along to make you feel more comfortable, it's totally up to you. I had to other people in the room with me to help me ease myself. She's completely open to doing what you want, she encourages you to listen to music to create whatever vibe you want. It really is a dope experience. If you're interested in shooting, her email is, or you can reach her through her Instagram page. If you're interest in checking out her take on the pics you can find that on her weebly page; my pics are below & I hope you guys enjoy!

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